Kindly to inform that our Redang Beach Resort will use TTI Jetty (Taman Tamadun Islam Jetty) & Merang Al-Ameen Jetty to boarding in & out start from year 2023.
Location: TTI Jetty (Taman Tamadun Islam Jetty)
Boat schedule:-
TTI to Island: 9am
Island to TTI: 11am
Dropped pin: 5.3221784015269735, 103.11761043318656
Google link:
Location: Merang Al-Ameen Jetty
Boat Schedule:-
Merang Al-Ameen to Island: 11am
Island to Al-Ameen: 9am
Dropped Pin: 5.52949, 102.94715
Google link:
Kindly take note that there is no ferry or boat in & out for afternoon session, please be remind that purchase your air ticket or bus ticket accordingly.
Boat schedule subject to change depend on the weather condition. Please reconfirm again your schedule with our sales officer before your depart date.
Sorry for any inconvenience cause. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any clarification.
0830 | 码头集合 |
0900 | 乘坐渡轮直達热浪岛休闲渡假村 |
1100 | 办理入住手续 |
1130-1330 | 午餐 |
1300 | 领取房卡 |
1430 | 潜水中心集合,潜水教练讲解出海须知常识 |
1500 | 出海潜水 |
1600-1700 | 下午茶 |
1830-2030 | 晚餐 |
0700 - 0900 | 早餐 |
0830 | 潜水中心集合,潜水教练讲解出海须知常识 |
0900 | 出海潜水 |
1100 | 潜水中心集合,潜水教练讲解出海须知常识 |
1130 | 出海潜水 |
1130-1330 | 午餐 |
1430 | 潜水中心集合,潜水教练讲解出海须知常识 |
1500 | 出海潜水 |
1600-1700 | 下午茶 |
1830-2030 | 晚餐 |
0700 - 0900 | 早餐 |
0930 | 退房 |
1100 | 带着愉快心情,一路顺风回到温暖的家园 |
*以上行程时间仅供参考。实际活动时间和顺序可能会 因天气,海况等因素而变动。 |
MAR25 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
MAR25 | 07 | 08 | 09 |
MAR25 | 14 | 15 |